“KiltValee” - Kiltkarter x Valee

Kiltkarter and Valee link on their new highly anticipated project “KiltValee” 


“Kiltvalee” has been teased for plenty of months now via Kiltkarter and Valee social media’s so it’s good to finally hear the project that fans including myself have been feening for! I got the chance to hear a couple of loose tracks before the drop of the project and I knew then Kiltkarter and Valee was working with something special. With the start of the summer, “Kiltvalee” is ready to be played on every speaker with its thumping production and memorable lyrical performances.

I have never not enjoyed a Kiltkarter or Valee project, so with this one, I came in with a clear head and excited for what I was about to hear. Kiltkarter is one of the most unique producers/ artists I have come in contact with and alongside his actual brother Valee, this project could only turn out dope. I feel like both Valee and Kiltkarter have been somewhat quiet with drops over this past year but “Kiltvalee” changes that.

Out the gate, “Kiltvalee” sets its hard memorable tone with the track “Appletree”. On first playing the track I was instantly invoked into the world of “Kiltvalee” and it really felt like that for the whole length of the project. No matter what track, the sheer sound and overall feel of the project is unmatched with its slapping production and memorable verses and bars from Valee that have been the best I have heard from him as of late.

I always imagined what a Valee and Kiltkarter project would sound like and this project blew my expectations by being a memorable project for a while! Its solid production, very memorable stick-out tracks alongside some of the best cover art I have seen this year, is all the reason to check out this solid project. So please be sure to stream”Kiltvalee” here!


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