Nina Tech - We Made It (Official Video)

Nina Tech shows off star power in brand new visuals to the single “We Made it”

Nina is once again back with more music, and this time around accompanied by a well-thought-out and executed visual.

Over the years I have gotten to hear plenty of Nina Tech music and I feel sense her recent drops, Nina is really in tune with visually how she wants to portray herself and how that connects with her music consolidating her image. Finding this balance is everything, and Nina has it all locked in! With focusing on this single,” We made it” is a very spacey solid tune, along with a solo starred visual with Nina vibing out dressed in mostly black with very uniquely styled headphones.

Other than Nina’s smooth way she floats on, “We made it” making it just an inviting dope tune, the little things really make this drop special. The solid cover art, the execution of the outfit design in the video, the perfect use of black in white, and the overall atmospheric bouncy tone of the track. All these factors play a little but important factor that makes this overall all drop so special and one of Nina’s best single/ visual drops by far. So if you haven’t please check out the visual too “We made it” right here.


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