Scripted Kristin (TGF INTERVIEW)

“I’m a versatile creator & I create whatever the f*** my soul feels like creating.”



Kristin also known as @SCRIPTEDKRISTIN recently answered a few questions for The Ghetto Flower in an interview that goes deeper into her work as a musician and artist, diving into here creative process and some of her influences.

Scripted tells us how she plans to kick off 2019 with a bang. In the interview she discusses her hunger for performing and hints at the potential of doing shows. The conversation makes for a magnificent read and provides coverage on the beautiful talent of Kristin.

Check out the best excerpts below.

As for her gift of art Scripted says” it was influenced by my pops when I was a kid. He taught me the roots of sketching 
& allowing my mind to create visions by hand. It wasn’t until 2015 when I decided to manifest ideas by creating 
3D paintings & home installations. Over the years I have created enough pieces for my own future gallery & shows.

How long have you been into art and doing music for?

“ I’ve always had a dose of creativity for art & music naturally since I was a yungin.”

Scripted started singing when she was around 2 or 3, stating music was steadily influenced by her parents, environment & filipino culture.

Throughout her years of school she started performing in talent shows from elementary school to high school. 
She really took it way back with her first recording on a cassette tape in the 2nd grade! You know it was lit 🔥.

She says

“Through the trials & tribulations of my youth I started writing poetry as an escape which is why I call myself Scripted. “

As a lyricist she then decided she wanted to create her own music at the age of 18.  Since then she has been testing the waters in all different genres. 


What inspires you to do what you do?

“The belief that I was created for a purpose & I won’t stop until I deliver. 
If I didn’t create then i’d probably be dead. So I hustle not only for myself 
but for those around me,  everybody gon’ eat & I put that on my grave.”

Ima let that quote speak for its self she is coming in and taking over the game in each category!


Coming into the end of the year what are your goals to close out 2018 and start 2019?

Scripted has some big plans to end out the year by giving a taste of her sound to the world by dropping a track 
or two off her upcoming album that’ll be releasing in 2019 called Break The Rules. 

Musically, she is also working on creating visuals & preparing for shows in near the future. “I’ve been itchin to perform.

Artistically, Scripted says

I had my work up in a gallery for the first this year which was mad dope. Until the year ends 
i’m just working on executing commission pieces & just steady creating more art to see in galleries next year. 
2019, I got the clip fully loaded.


Make sure y’all tune in and follow her she is making noise!


Leslie Perez (TGF INTERVIEW)


Supply Locale