Vela Seff - Where the Love Go? (Album)

Vela Seff’s Vibrant Soundscapes: A Review of Where the Love Go?

Vela Seff is a Chicago artist and producer who has been around for a while now and has been on my radar after discovering him through his connection with Valee and KiltKarter. If you’re not familiar with those two artists, then what you should expect from Vela Seff are some unique flows about money, women, and drugs, on fast tempo or jazzy beats while trying to catch all the references and double entendres. 

Diving into the album Where the Love Go? it was released May 14th, 2024 and has a runtime of about 25 minutes. It had one lead single called Xtreme, which released May 3rd, 2023 and had a music video directed by Carefree Ant to go along with it. The album has 13 songs on it and it’s a great album to chill and vibe to. The stand out track might be Milwaukee (Freestyle) and on the song we get Vela Seff rapping over this fast tempo almost mellow like beat that just instantly catches the listeners attention as soon as the song starts. 

As talked about already Vela Seff released the music video for Xtreme but that wasn’t the only song he’s released music videos for. Before the release of the album, Vela Seff released the music video for 24BLUEZ and on June 18th he released the music video for POLO SPORT. In the 24BLUEZ music video, shot by MemoryStoreHomeVideo, was released on Vela Seff’s birthday and seems to have been shot strictly using a VHS camera. The XTREME music video is your typical Carefree Ant video with it being heavily edited and great camera movements. Finally the last video to come out so far, POLO SPORT, shot by NANCYPOPULAR, is a primarily black and white video which kind of goes with the song since the production is a bit more of the jazzy side.

Overall this album is a fun one, front to back, you can get lost in the production or the lyrics depending on which you prefer. It’s going to be fun to see Vela Seff performing these songs live because you have Xtreme, Ova’ My Shoulder, and Milwaukee being songs that could get a crowd going. 


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