World Series 2 (EP) - Goody

Goody is back with part 2 of his EP series titled “World Series 2”

After the drop of Goody’s most recent EP “World Series” he waist no time with giving fans a part 2 of definitely my favorite project from him so far. This time around we get to see even more fly lyrics, baseball-infused references, and another body of work that sounds just honestly great!


With giving “World Series” countless plays, I’m happy to see Goody double back with a part 2 to this dope EP collection. I love that both EP’s are short (running around 9mins) but have a lot of different flavors and moods that really make “World Series” what it is and keeps the listeners hitting that play button. I feel like both EP’s do stick to the same strategic layout with having upbeat tracks, along with a couple of slow songs to add a deeper feeling and emotion. I do feel like “World Series 2” definitely had way more baseball and team references which played into more of the overall meaning of the project. Even though some people can’t relate to baseball, the themes expressed/ emotion and the game that is kicked, you can take a lot away from both of these astonishing EP’s.

Overall, Goody has had a great year this year with memorable drops with the “World Series EP’s” being one of the best drops out of Chicago this year. Like Goody said in his bonus track, someone asks him “So the goal is the championship” and Goody responds “No the goal is a dynasty”. Well with that response, I know Goody will get there in no time. So be sure to stream this stellar EP “World Series 2”




Dre Izaya - 4 No Reason (EP)