5 Music Industry Predictions for 2022

1. TikTok will keep rising and dominating.⁣

TikTok will reign supreme in 2021. It will take over social media

The platform has been continuously growing since reaching the milestone of over 1 billion users as of September 2021.

The opportunity for virality, social exposure, and reach show a lot of potential for musicians and artists. These will be the most important digital platforms for music in 2022.

2. Sync deals and publishing will continue to rise.⁣

Media is being consumed in a record-breaking fashion. For music to be successful, and dominate the market, music has to be attached to something.

Netflix, TV, videos, games, advertising, podcasting, and so much more. Sync licensing is the route to getting your music attached to these mediums.

3. Live music will continue its return.⁣

The pandemic made a huge impact on the live performance industry.

More and more concerts and shows are being postponed, tours are being canceled as we enter 2022.

Being optimistic here, but 2022 will show the return on the live music business. People are craving live performances again.

4. Motion artwork will take over... More video, less static images. ⁣

Did someone say NFTs???

Content has shifted to the digital realm … which means content needs to be more engaging.

Video-based content will reign supreme over static images. Keep this in mind when creating album artwork or press releases aimed at gaining traction on social media, or the Metaverse ;)

5. Online monetization experiences will dominate. ⁣

With platforms like OnlyFans, Patreon, and Cameo, more artists and musicians will be improving their business models to create more of an “experience”. This will portray a more exclusive and insider look to fans and supporters.

The landscape for monetization has begun to shift for artists, don’t get left behind.

The music industry isn't an easy place, choosing a career in music is choosing the most competitive industry outside of sport. It's not fun all of the time, it takes hard work and sacrifice to get to where you want to be.⁣

So when times are tough, remember your why. ⁣

Now let's go and smash 2022.


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